Symbiotic perfection in form

A perfectly shaped experience

LAMY ideos is a new product family designed by EOOS which innovatively interprets Lamy’s design principles. Combining the basic forms of triangle and circle creates a surprising yet natural, stylised teardrop shape that facilitates a unique haptic experience. This writing instrument series features high-quality palladium refinement with polished stainless steel clips. Contrasting chrome-plated freeform grip zones craft a dynamic completion of the housing’s basic forms.

Design: EOOS


The LAMY Lx is a stylish, modern writing instrument with that “something special”. A functional and elegant companion. Made of aluminium, it features stylish details refined with precious metal and a sophisticated anodised finish. With distinct, spring-loaded and refined metal clip and transparent grip. Fountain Pen. Aluminium anodised in bronze colour metal clip and details PVD coated with bronze. Ergonomic plastic grip. Steel nib, black, gloss PVD; with LAMY T 10 blue ink cartridge; suitable for converter LAMY Z 28. With matching gift box.

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​ពីស្រោមស្បែក រហូតដល់ទឹកថ្នាំពណ៌ដែលអ្នកចូលចិត្ត និងជ័រលុប៖ នៅទីនេះអ្នកនឹងឃើញអ្វីគ្រប់យ៉ាងដែលអ្នកត្រូវការដើម្បីដាក់ការសរសេរដោយដៃដ៏ល្អបំផុតរបស់អ្នកនៅលើក្រដាស ហើយរីករាយជាមួយឧបករណ៍សរសេររបស់អ្នកក្នុងរយៈពេលយូរ។

Learn to write with Lamy

The right pen plays an important role, especially when trying to write for the first time. That is why Lamy offers ergonomically and pedagogically well thought-out writing implements for every age group, which are geared towards the needs of children. This is how you support your child in discovering their own handwriting with fun and ease.

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